Let’s finish the school year strong with high-quality Professional Learning!
Welcome to Plano ISD’s Trade Learning Saturday! Ready to navigate through a playbook of innovative techniques, where winning strategies meet all-star approaches? All sessions qualify for 2024-2025 trade hours. You can score three trade hours by joining our team on March 1st!

Please bring your district device as some of the sessions may require technology.

Here are some helpful tips for Sched:
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Kyle Fritsche at kyle.fritsche@pisd.edu.

Come early to enjoy breakfast!

Patricia Balderas

avatar for Krista Benson

Krista Benson

Plano ISD
Social Skills Specialist
avatar for Leanne Campbell

Leanne Campbell

Plano Independent School District
Secondary Instructional & Campus Support Specialist
avatar for Marianda Dyche

Marianda Dyche

Plano ISD
Special Education Teacher
avatar for Vanessa Farrand

Vanessa Farrand

Haun Kindergarten

Nancy Fernandez

Associate Dual Language KinderTeacher
avatar for Cassandra Paine

Cassandra Paine

Huffman Elementary
Third Grade Team Leader
avatar for Chris Sayen

Chris Sayen

Huffman Elementary
PYP Librarian
avatar for Chelsea Schwartz

Chelsea Schwartz

Plano ISD
8th Science
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